

  • 摘要: 河流沉积物微量元素特征对指示沉积演化历史、沉积环境及沉积物的物质来源具有十分重要的示踪作用。闽江福州段540 cm的沉积物微量元素比值(Rb/Sr和Sr/Ba)和稀土元素地球化学特征,敏锐地指示了沉积环境从河流快速转变为沼泽的突变点,同时,也清楚地指示了不同沉积环境下的物源变化。受控于闽江流域丰富的岩浆岩和稀土资源以及呈酸性的福建土壤和闽江水体,闽江钻孔沉积物REE明显高于上地壳、长江和黄河,与福建土壤最为接近。经过球状陨石和北美页岩标准化之后,闽江钻孔沉积物稀土元素分配模式呈右倾型,与长江和黄河沉积相比具有更好的轻稀土富集。δEu负异常和δCe正异常非常显著,并且与∑REE密切相关,表明它们均受到源区环境变化和搬运作用的控制。


    Abstract: The geochemical characteristics of trace elements from river sediments can be used to study the evolutionary history of sedimentary basins, depositional environments, and the source of sediments. A 540 cm long sediment core was collected from a residual swamp in Fuzhou of the Min River drainage basin. The geochemical characteristics of the ratios of trace elements (Rb/Sr and Sr/Ba) and REE of the sediments suggest a sharp turning point when the deposits change from the proluvia-alluvial to the swamp and the change in provenance in different depositional environments. Owing to the wide distribution of magmatic rocks and rare earth elements in the Min River drainage area and the acid earth in Fujian and the acid water in the Min River, most REE in the Min River sediments are bigger than those in the upper crust, Yangtze River and Yellow River, and close to the earth of Fujian. Normalized with chondrite and NASC, the Min River sediments show more abundant LREE than the Yangtze River and Yellow River with a right-tilting REE distribution pattern. The negative Eu anomaly and positive Ce anomaly are obvious and closely related to ∑REE, which implies they are controlled by the environmental variation in the source region and the fluvial transportation. This work is helpful for the study of paleo-estuary sediment evolution of the Min River and the composition and source of the neritic sediments off Fujian and in the Taiwan Strait.


