The authors analyzed characteristics of organic carbon content and isotope distribution of top soil in different Land use types within the Taihu Lake basin, as well as surface sediments and organisms within the estuary. The sources of organic matter of lake sediments were obtained by using two-member mixing model. The results showed that there were differences of organic δ
13C in different plant types, which affected organic δ
13C of top soil within the catchment. The average δ
org values of tea plantations, vegetable lands, forest lands and paddy fields were -25.4‰,-25.8‰,-27.1‰ and -28.1‰ respectively,and the highest δ
org value existed in tea plantations. The range of δ
org values of surface sediments within the estuary were -27.5‰~-25.1‰ with the average value of -25.7‰. The δ
org of surface sediments near the shore was low, and gradually decreased from the estuary to center. The reason was the effect of import of terrestrial source with lower δ
org values. By using two-member mixing model, the contribution ratios of terrestrial source was 70%~80% in the estuary, and gradually decreased with the distance to the lake shore.