
Analysis and resource evaluation of hydrocarbon plays in the west Natuna Basin, southwestern part of the South China Sea

  • 摘要: 为明确南海西南部西纳土纳盆地油气资源潜力,基于最新的地震、测井、地化和油气藏储量等数据,结合盆地构造—沉积演化和油气成藏地质条件的综合研究成果,从盆地含油气系统、成藏组合特征研究等方面开展系统的描述、刻画和分析,从而预测盆地资源潜力和评价地质风险,优选勘探有利区。研究表明,西纳土纳盆地发育4套含油气系统,分别对其中6个具有商业油气价值的已证实和远景成藏组合采用蒙特卡洛模拟法和资源面积丰度类比法计算待发现资源量,最终预测盆地待发现油气总资源量890.16MMboe,其中Penyu次盆Penyu组成藏组合内资源量(587.22MMboe),占全盆地总资源量的66%。参考烃源岩、储集层、圈闭、运移、盖层和保存等成藏要素的评价结果,应用资源—地质风险概率双因素法优选出1个Ⅰ类成藏组合,1个Ⅱ类成藏组合,2个Ⅲ类成藏组合和2个Ⅳ成藏组合。应用成藏组合范围叠合法,综合分析认为Anambas地堑西北部Arang组构造—地层成藏组合是盆地最有利勘探区。首次应用的盆地演化—含油气系统—成藏组合递进研究思路和成藏组合评价方法对东南亚陆内裂谷盆地油气资源潜力研究具借鉴作用。


    Abstract: Based on the latest exploration data, through study of basin evolution and analysis of hydrocarbon accumulation, the petroleum systems and hydrocarbon plays of the west Natuna Basin are identified, described and analyzed in this paper. The purpose of the endeavor is to assess the petroleum resources potential and geological risks so as to optimize the favorable exploration targets. The results suggest that the west Natuna Basin can be subdivided into 4 petroleum systems and 9 plays, of which 6 have exploration potential, and the undiscovered petroleum resources of the 6 plays are estimated as 890.16 MMboe in total by the Monte Carlo method and resource abundance analogy method. The undiscovered petroleum resources of the Penyu Formation play in the Penyu Sub-basin are up to 587.22 MMboe, accounting for 66% of the total of the basin. Upon the analysis of hydrocarbon accumulation factors using double factors method for resources-geological risks assessment, identified are plays including one class Ⅰ play, one class Ⅱ play, two classe Ⅲ plays and two class Ⅳ plays. Favorable exploration areas can be further optimized with the 'plays area overlaying' method. The stratigraphic-structural play in Arang Formation in the northwestern part of the Anambas Graben is finally selected as the most favorable area of class I. The progressive research method of resource assessment and division of hydrocarbon plays can guide the petroleum resources assessment in intracratonic rift basins of Southeast Asia.


