
Hydrochemical behaviors of Cd in paleoceans and a review of Cd/Ca ratio in foraminifera shells as a paleoeanographyic proxy

  • 摘要: Cd元素是一种较为特殊的微量金属元素,其在海水中的浓度分布和P类似,且和P之间存在着线性关系,因此,可以用来恢复古海水的营养水平,并可进一步结合有孔虫壳体的碳同位素记录,得出不同水团在海气交换过程中的同位素变化,用以示踪水团来源。同时,Cd含量本身也是水团的保守参数,因而也可以反映水团混合和洋流模式的改变。有孔虫壳体对Cd元素的吸收使得其Cd/Ca成为海水Cd含量的记录者,无论在构造尺度、轨道尺度,还是在千年尺度上,有孔虫壳体的Cd/Ca对气候和洋流变化均有着清晰的响应,是一种重要的古海洋环境替代性指标。不过由于Cd、P并非完全线性相关,钙质壳体在不同环境下对Cd的吸收比例不同,各海区在重要地质时期的Cd/Ca数据尚不丰富,使得Cd/Ca比值作为一种古环境参数仍面临着诸多挑战。


    Abstract: As an element sharing linier distribution relation with phosphorous in the ocean, cadmium has great potential to be a proxy for reconstruction of the concentration of labile nutrient during geological history. Further it could be used to trace the water source by calculating the isotope equilibrium caused by the water-atmosphere exchange when connected with the carbon isotope of foraminifera. Also, the concentration of cadmium, as a conservative attribute of water mass, remains considerably constant, thus its variation could record the changes in water mass mixing and the pattern of ocean circulation. The cadmium uptake during the crystallization of foraminifera makes its Cd/Ca ratio a reliable recorder of the concentration variability of cadmium in the sea over the tectonic, orbital and the millennial scales. Because the linear dependence between cadmium and phosphorous is not so perfect and the absorption ratio of cadmium in calcareous shells also changes through different circumstances, and the records has not been adequate for reference, challenge still remains for Cd/Ca as a reliable paleoenvironmental proxy.


