
Hourly change in sediment plume at the Yellow River mouth during the water-sediment regulation

  • 摘要: 2002年黄河实施调水调沙以来,黄河入海泥沙普遍以异轻羽状流的形式在河口附近的有限区域内堆积下来。采用2011年、2012年以及2013年调水调沙期间3期静止轨道海洋水色卫星(GOCI)数据对黄河口附近海域进行悬浮物浓度反演,提取了黄河口羽状流的逐时变化信息;通过黄河口水动力数值模拟以及风场、潮汐等实测数据分析,阐明了羽状流逐时变化的驱动机制。研究结果表明:黄河调水调沙前后黄河口羽状流表现出单向变化和往复变化两种不同的变化过程;而悬浮物浓度的逐时变化显示:河口附近不同站位的悬浮物浓度逐时变化过程差异较大,同一站位的悬浮物浓度可在1小时之内升高或降低约100mg/L。单向变化型羽状流主要受单向潮流的控制,且GOCI观测时段位于一个落潮或者涨潮过程,河流动力较弱;往复变化型羽状流受涨、落潮往复潮流的控制,涨、落潮流向的转换驱使羽状流向相反的方向运动,而且羽状流位于潮流切变带以内,切变锋对羽状流的形态、分布范围具有明显的切变效应。


    Abstract: Since the water sediment regulation (WSR) was put into operation in 2002, most of the Yellow River sediment has been deposited in a confined near-shore zone as a result of hypopycnal plume. On the basis of GOCI satellite images collected in 2011, 2012 and 2013, we analyzed the hourly changes in sediment plume at the Yellow River mouth through the inversion to suspended matter concentrations. Wind fields along with tide data during the satellite-observation period were comprehensively analyzed, and the hydrodynamic regime in the mouth area was numerically modeled to uncover the influence forces of these changes. The results show that the hourly changes in sediment plume can be classified into two types: 1) one-orientation changes—the sediment plume moves gradually towards a definite direction (landwards or seawards); 2) back-and-force movement—the sediment plume shifts landwards or seawards in the first few hours and then moved backwards. In addition, the total suspended mater (TSM) at the Yellow River mouth varies both spatially and temporally, reflecting an intensive interaction between different hydrodynamic processes. For some sites, the hourly changes in TSM may exceed 100 mg/L. One-orientation changes are primarily controlled by tidal currents with a minor influence from river input, whereas back-and-force movements are controlled by the changes of ebb and flood tide. Shear front generated near the river mouth is also believed an important process behind the back-and-force movement of sediment plume.


