
World progress of drilling and production test of natural gas hydrate

  • 摘要: 自20世纪60年代证实自然界中存在天然气水合物以来,针对水合物这一潜在能源的研究取得了显著进展。与常规油气资源一样,水合物的开发也需要经历两个重要阶段,即勘查与试采。该文对全球主要国家水合物钻探与试采进展进行了归纳总结和分析,认为钻探工作在获取水合物实物样品、优化相关技术装备、提供可靠数据等方面发挥了重要作用,而试采工作在长期、安全、稳定和高效产气方面仍与产业化开发的预期存在差距。建议我国应充分发挥各方优势,重视技术方法和装备的研究、开发、示范和推广,形成可用于水合物资源勘查与开采的成熟技术装备体系。


    Abstract: Since the natural gas hydrate was recognized as a new energy source in 1960s, the research of gas hydrate has made great progress. Similar to the conventional oil and gas, the development of hydrate also needs to pass two important stages, i.e. exploration and production test. This paper summarized and analyzed the progress in exploration drilling and production test of hydrate in some major countries. The exploration drilling plays a critical role in data acquisition, hydrate sampling, and optimization of relevant technology, equipment and facilities, whereas the production test aims to test the efficiency of technology for industrial development of gas hydrate in a safe, stable and efficient way. As one of the leading countries in hydrate research in the world, China has made great progress in hydrate exploration and resource assessment, and the recent production test is really a great success. Further development in exploitation technology and related facilities is discussed and recommended in the paper.


