
Characteristics and tectonic evolution of the fault system in the north sag of Northern Depression of South Yellow Sea basin

  • 摘要: 南黄海盆地北部坳陷北凹是自晚白垩世发育起来的中、新生代凹陷,其凹陷结构具有北断南超、北深南浅的复式箕状特征。平面上可划分为北部断阶带、中部深凹带和南部斜坡带3个次级构造单元。断裂主要为正断层,局部发育少量逆断层,有EW向、NE向和NW向3组;活动时间上可分为早期、中期、晚期断裂;发育板式、铲式、坡坪式等多种类型断裂组合。根据断裂规模和对地层的控制作用,可将断裂分为3级,一级断裂控凹、二级断裂控区带、三级断裂控圈。控凹断裂(千里岩断裂)在凹陷中部断层活动速率最大,沉降快、沉积厚度较大,对应北部断阶带、中部深凹带核心区,在凹陷边缘、斜坡带则活动速率较低。构造演化受仪征、吴堡、真武、三垛4次构造运动事件控制,经历伸展张裂、裂后拗陷2个演化阶段,广泛接受上白垩统浦口组-泰州组,古近系古新统阜宁组,始新统戴南组、三垛组及新近系沉积。综合断裂体系、凹陷沉积充填与构造演化史,预测北凹油气成藏具有近源近断、复杂断块成藏的特点,深大断裂是油气运移和充注的关键因素,断阶带中部、深凹断鼻构造带紧邻生烃中心,发育一批有利构造圈闭,成藏配置条件较好,是有利勘探方向。


    Abstract: The north sag of the Northern Depression of the South Yellow Sea basin is a Meso- Cenozoic sag since Late Cretaceous. It is a composite dustpan-like sag with fault and deep basement in the north, and overlapping on shallow basement in the south. There are three secondary tectonic units within the sag, i.e. the northern step-fault zone in the north, the central deep depression zone in the center and the southern slope belt in the south. Normal faults dominate the region with a small amount of overthrust faults locally. The faults could be classified into three groups in EW, and NE, and NW directions according to fault strike. Besides, the faults could be also grouped into three stages, i.e. the early stage fault, mid-term stage fault and late stage fault. Many types of faults have been discovered in this sag, including flat plate fault, shovel-like fault, slope-like fault, and so on. On the basis of fault scale and its control over strata, the faults could be sorted into three levels. The sag is controlled by the first level fault, the zones within the sag are controlled by the second level fault, and the traps are controlled by the third level fault. The activity rate of the Qianliyan Fault passing through the center of the north sag is the highest where rapid depositional rate and thicker deposits occur, corresponding to the core region of the northern step-fault zone and the central deep depression zone. However, the activity rate is smaller relatively on the margins of the sag and slope zones. The tectonic evolution of the northern sag is controlled by four tectonic movements, i.e. the Yizheng movement, Wubu movement, Zhenwu movement and Sanduo movement. The tectonic evolution of the sag may be divided to two stages, i.e. the rifting stage and depression stage. The sag is filled by the Taizhou Formation, Funing Formation, Dainan Formation, Sanduo Formation and Neogene deposits in a time span from Late Cretaceous to Quaternary. On account of above research achievements, the hydrocarbon accumulation model of north sag is described in this paper. Oil and gas are accumulated in complicated fault block traps close to source rock and fault. Deep faults are the key element to drive hydrocarbon moving into traps. The middle step-fault zone and the fault nose region of the deep depression zone are recommended as favorable exploration targets where a batch of favorable traps occur and close to the center of source rock.


